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Our Team Has Spent 10+ years in the Industry.

With over 10+ years in the industry our staff and leadership, has worked with many clients, in the private sector, government sector, and with 100's of homeowners. We are made for this and put all of our experience together on each project.

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Our Team & Leadership

Odin Energy, LLC (aka Odin Solar) is family-owned and operated and was formed with some vital foundational principles. These principles are what guide us on our mission to help electrify homes, businesses, and other buildings with solar energy while representing our core principles-

  • Planet over Profits- This may sound counterintuitive to some, but without care and sustainability within our guiding principles and operations, we would leave the earth worse than it was. Even though solar energy is helping the planet, we also recognize the impact businesses have on the environment, and we are taking steps to lower our own operational emissions.

  • Customer First- We recognize that without our customers, we do not have a business, and treating our customers the best way we can also help the company's sustainability. Though things do not always go perfectly, we work to keep our customers informed and determine the actions that result in a satisfied customer.

  • Sustainable Growth- What we do as a solar company is at the core of sustainability for the planet, but sustainable growth is often not discussed in other companies' core principles. Solar Energy is growing so fast, and there are a lot of "Fake it until you make it" companies out there. We are not one of them; as a startup, we decided to make sure we have the financial tools in place to ensure we do not outgrow our cash flow. This ensures that we will be around to service those 25-30-year solar panel warranties.

  • Value-Based Designs- We could sell you the least expensive system or even the most expensive one. We think neither serves the customer well in general. There is a time and a place for high-end solar panels. We design each system with value in mind, so the ROI is good, and the system will hold up longer than the 25-30-year panel warranties. 


We are owned by a group of owners who all have a great deal of experience in solar, electrical, residential and commercial building, as well as home automation. Our decades of business experience on top of our technical expertise has Odin Energy uniquely positioned to be experts at all aspects of a solar installation. Our team has worked on utility solar gardens in an EPC (Engineering, Product Procurement, and Construction) role, on system sizes of 5MW+ commercial rooftop solar, and hundreds of residential systems. 



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